Makemkv code
Makemkv code

makemkv code

Re-registering of platform native method: (JZZ)V from code in a different classloader

makemkv code

Re-registering of platform native method: (J)J from code in a different classloader Re-registering of platform native method: (JI)[B from code in a different classloader Re-registering of platform native method: (ZLjava/lang/String ILjava/lang/String )V from code in a different classloader

makemkv code

Uint DBusMenuExporterDBus::GetLayout(int, int, const QStringList&, DBusMenuLayoutItem&): Condition failed: menu It’s throwing some weird data in the terminal VLC media player Vetinari (revision 3.0.13-8-g41878ff4f2) I’m currently trying some trickery of launching vlc from bash and having this in ~/.bashrc export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk

Makemkv code